Pastor James W Knox is an Orthodox Jew,* a KJV-Only Kabbalist (a Witch),** and the son of a wealthy Jewish banker.***




Is James Knox faking this cancer diagnosis?  Knowing that the US is about to collapse, it's possible James Knox may be faking this sickness and his impending "death" as he has faked so many other matters: his Christian conversion, his high school achievements, his parents' poverty...  Why fake having cancer?  To have an excuse to quit his Kabbalist Cult and to leave this country?  

*Pastor James Knox is an Orthodox "Crypto" Jew. A Crypto Jew is a covert Jew who converts to another religion and outwardly embraces the new religion to deceive while secretly maintaining Jewish occult beliefs and practices: Kabbalism (Witchcraft), Talmudism, Zionism, The Noahide Laws... James Knox maintains a Christian facade while he teaches from the traditions of the Mystery Religions of Babylon: the Talmud and the Kabbalah.

**KJV-Only Kabbalists, posing as Christians, are advocating for use of an "inerrant, perfect bible" to lead Christians into occult practices and, ultimately, into the end-time deception of the Antichrist. Because Christians are unfamiliar with the occult world and its demonic practices, they fall prey to deceivers like Gail Riplinger and the pastors who follow her, such as James Knox and his global network of KJV-Only churches.

***James Knox's father was Maitland Brooks Knox, a wealthy Jewish international banker (read more below).

After the Church rapture, James Knox's intention will be to deceive the many "left behind" by employing Jewish Kabbalism, which includes the demonic practices of gematria, witchcraft, and divination. By employing these practices, James Knox, a Jewitch, will realize his ultimate deception which is to convince Gentile church members that Jesus Christ is not the Messiah. 

"For there are certain men crept in unawares, who were before of old ordained to this condemnation, ungodly men...denying the only Lord God, and our Lord Jesus Christ." (Jude 1:4)

"And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil." (John 3:19)

"Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live." (Exodus 22:18)

"For there is no respect of persons with God." (Romans 2:11)

NEW: MOLLY RICKENBACH: IN MEMORIAM  (with Barbara Aho's emails)


As an Orthodox Jew, James Knox teaches Law instead of Grace

Knox preached, "We got the strangest letter today. That was probably the all-time strangest letter from a group of Orthodox Jews in South Carolina that listen to our radio program because my preaching lines up with the teaching of Moses and the Law. And they appreciate it...You know Jesus was very fond of the Law of Moses, I don't know if you knew that or not."  

In this video, Knox was also subtly making a friendly connection between KJV-Onlyism and Orthodox Jewry in the minds of the congregation so they will have a good opinion of Orthodox Jews, which we know don't teach the Mosaic Law at all, but the Talmud and Kabbalah, which are far worse!

Knox then ended his discourse with the following lie: "Jesus was very fond of the Law of Moses."  Was Jesus Christ fond of the Law of Moses?  The Law reveals sin and its consequences (eternal death), but grace through Jesus Christ offers forgiveness, redemption, and the promise of everlasting life.

"Knowing that a man is not justified by the works of the law, but by the faith of Jesus Christ, even we have believed in Jesus Christ, that we might be justified by the faith of Christ, and not by the works of the law: for by the works of the law shall no flesh be justified. (Galatians 2:16)

The video below provides strong evidence that James Knox teaches Law instead of Grace:

Knox preached, "We got the strangest letter today. That was probably the all-time strangest letter from a group of Orthodox Jews in South Carolina that listen to our radio program because my preaching lines up with the teaching of Moses and the Law. And they appreciate it...You know Jesus was very fond of the Law of Moses, I don't know if you knew that or not."  

Since Orthodox Jews despise Jesus Christ and Christians, it's unlikely they would be listening regularly to Knox preach the gospel.  In fact, Knox may have made this letter story up and already has connections to that Orthodox Jewish community since he himself teaches from the Talmud and Kabbalah. 

Knox's job for Orthodox Jewry is to oversee the KJV-Only Baptist network since KJV-Onlyism is an important point of entry into Kabbalah for Christians, who would reject it if they knew that Kabbalah led to the forbidden practice of divination.

In this video, Knox was also subtly making a friendly connection between KJV-Onlyism and Orthodox Jewry in the minds of the congregation so they will have a good opinion of Orthodox Jews, which we know don't teach the Mosaic Law at all, but the Talmud and Kabbalah, which are far worse!

Knox then ended his discourse with the following lie: "Jesus was very fond of the Law of Moses."  Was Jesus Christ fond of the Law of Moses?  The Law reveals sin and its consequences (eternal death), but grace through Jesus Christ offers forgiveness, redemption, and the promise of everlasting life.

"Knowing that a man is not justified by the works of the law, but by the faith of Jesus Christ, even we have believed in Jesus Christ, that we might be justified by the faith of Christ, and not by the works of the law: for by the works of the law shall no flesh be justified. (Galatians 2:16)

("You [Rabbi Shlomo Riskin] will win the war. You must produce 'Shluchim' (agents) [James Knox] for the entire world who are modern on the outside and Chabad on the inside." Rebbe Menachem Schneerson, leader of the Chabad Lubavitch.  

James Knox is just such a Jewish agent.  He's a "Gentile Christian" on the outside while he's an Orthodox Jew on the inside.)

James Knox: A Talmudic Crypto-Jew and King James Version-Only Kabbalist

James Knox is the Pastor/Rabbi of Bible Baptist Church in Deland, FL. He's not a Christian, but a Crypto-Jewish Kabbalist whose teachings are more characteristic of an Orthodox Jewish Rabbi than a Christian minister. He's a strong proponent of King James Only Kabbalism and is promoted by Gail Riplinger, another Crypto-Jewish Kabbalist.

James W Knox: A KJV-Only Kabbalist
James W Knox: A KJV-Only Kabbalist

"A Jew may pretend he is a Christian to deceive Christians." (The Talmud)

"I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the Synagogue of Satan." (Rev 2:9)

"And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.  Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works." (2 Cor 11: 14-15)

Although James Knox claims to be a Christian, he's an Orthodox Crypto-Jewish Kabbalist whose hope is NOT in Jesus Christ, but in the Jewish Antichrist and his world government. Knox's purpose is to deceive his "left behind" church members to worship the Antichrist, to take his Mark, and to obey the coming Talmudic Noahide Laws, the laws of the world government. Knox will accomplish this subterfuge using King James Onlyism, which is a front for Jewish Kabbalism, which is witchcraft.

Why does a Talmudic Jew (James Knox) Impersonate a Christian Pastor?

"A Jew may pretend he is a Christian to deceive Christians." (The Talmud)

"The one object of all the actions and prayers of the Jews should be to destroy the Christian religion." (The Talmud: Schabbath 118a).

How does God's Word describe James Knox?  

"For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ. And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works. (2 Cor 11: 13-15)

James Knox's Ministers are also Crypto-Jews

There is evidence that all of the ministers at James Knox's Bible Baptist Church are Crypto-Jewish Kabbalists.     

David Andrew Brown: James Knox's Assistant Pastor

David Andrew Brown was trained by the Satanic KJV-Only Kabbalist hierarchy.  Brown attended Sweet Springs Baptist Church, where he was trained by its pastor, Joel Logan.  Logan, who is currently the pastor of Tabernacle Baptist Church, was married on June 18, 1994, to Mary Abigail Sightler, the daughter of James H SightlerJames H. Sightler promoted the Mystery Religion of Babylon as compiled in the Talmud and was the mentor of the Jewish Kabbalist (Witch), Gail Riplinger (maiden name Gail Ludwig).  James H Sightler's father, Harold B Sightler, was also a Talmudic Jew and the founder of Tabernacle Baptist Church, which today leads the network of five thousand Independent Fundamental Baptist Churches (IFB) world-wide.  

James Knox's Church is an IFB church.  James Knox, a Jewish KJV-Only Kabbalist, is promoted by Gail Riplinger (who he refers to as Sister Riplinger) and Joel Logan, who frequently attends his church conferences where David Andrew Brown is the Assistant pastor.  Knox also frequently visits Sweet Springs Baptist Church and Tabernacle Baptist Church to evangelize KJV-Only Kabbalism.       

Jake Jackson

Jake Jackson
Jake Jackson

On Aug 11, 2022, Richard S. "Jake" Jackson, preached a sermon called Christian Confession and Forgiveness. The topic of this sermon was the Book of Leviticus and the Jewish Day of Atonement, Yom Kippur.

At 1:04:04, "Jake" Jackson preached, "The Day of Atonement is the holiest day on the Jewish calendar. It's called Yom Kippur. When I was a kid we didn't go to Synagogue. We didn't observe the Sabbath...There's Orthodox Synagogues, Conservative Synagogues, and then there is Reform or what you'd call Liberal. Everyone I knew with Jewish heritage was Reform...."

Is Jake Jackson God's chosen or Satan's Synagogue?  

James Knox's Jewish Pedigree

Knox is an Ashkenazi Jewish name (L). James Knox's parents are Maitland Brooks Knox and Vera Stevens. Maitland is a Jewish name (see section below). Brooks is a Jewish name (L). Vera is a Russian Jewish name (L). Stevens is a Jewish name (L). James Knox's grandmother is Leona Stevens. Leona is a Jewish name (L). James Knox's wife is Lilian Mendes and her mother is Esther Mendes. Lilian is a Jewish name (L). Esther is a Jewish name (L). Mendes is a Sephardic Jewish name (L). James Knox's son and daughter are Israel Wilson and Tabitha Shiloh. Israel is a Jewish name. Tabitha is a Jewish name. Shiloh is a Jewish name. In addition to himself, James Knox's mother, father, son, daughter, grandmother, grandfather, wife, mother-in-law, and dog* all have Jewish names. 

*Knox once mentioned in a sermon that his dog is named Levi.

James Knox's wife, Lilian Mendes, is from Recife, Brazil, the First Jewish Community in the New World

James Knox's wife, Lilian Mendes, is from Recife, Brazil. According to, Recife - The First Jewish Community In The New World:

"Many people know that on September 7, 1654, twenty-three Jews arrived in New Amsterdam (renamed New York after the Dutch left). Most are not, however, aware of the fact that these Jews came to America from Recife, Brazil."

The first Synagogue erected in the Americas was in Recife, Brazil.

"Kahal Zur Israel was a Jewish synagogue Recife, Brazil. It was established in 1636 by Portuguese and Spanish Sephardic Jews...It was the first synagogue erected in the Americas."

According to Recife: The Cradle of Jewish America:

"Many of the names recorded in the Livro de Registros (registry) of the Zur Israel synagogue in Recife are known even today: Aboab, Sarfatty, Diaz, Pereira, Mendes, de Azevedo, Navarro, Cardozo, Machabeu, Da Fonseca, Nunes, Nahmias, Cohen, Henriques, Baruh, da Costa, D'Oliveyra, Coronel, Barzilay, Levy, Castiel, Ferreira, Da Silva, Lopes, Burgos, Da Gama..." (Recife: The Cradle of Jewish America. p.84)

John Knox, the Reformer, was a Jew.

John Knox's facial features and headcovering are distinctly Jewish
John Knox's facial features and headcovering are distinctly Jewish

"This woodcarving of Presbyterian reformer John Knox (1512-1572) depicts him as having a full beard, covered head and Semitic facial features. We will propose that Knox was the son or grandson of Sephardic Jewish émigrés to Scotland. Courtesy of Scottish National Portrait Gallery." (When Scotland Was Jewish, p. 8)

James Knox's father was Maitland Brooks Knox. The Maitland's are Jews

James Knox's father, Maitland Brooks Knox, was a wealthy international banker and the Maitland's are a powerful Jewish clan (see link, link and link).

Arthur Balfour, formerly the Prime Minister of England, was Jewish and the standard-bearer for Zionism. He issued the Balfour Declaration in 1917 which announced support for the establishment of the State of Israel in Palestine. Arthur Balfour's father was James Maitland Balfour; his brother was Francis Maitland Balfour, and his Great Grandfather was James Maitland, the 8th Earl of Lauderdale. James Maitland, the 7th Earl of Lauderdale, is pictured below.

James Maitland, 7th Earl of Lauderdale
James Maitland, 7th Earl of Lauderdale

James Knox and the Christian Jew Hour

In James Knox's book, From Where I Stand (2013), in the footnote on page 154, Knox states that he was once offered a job writing radio programs for Charles Halff, a Jewish man, and for "The Christian Jew Hour." Knox was offered this job because he's a Jew. 

James Knox's son, Israel, "Always wore a brimmed hat to church."

In James Knox's book, From Where I Stand (2007), on page 126, there is a picture of his son, Israel, wearing a black brimmed hat, with Knox's statement, "Israel, who always wore a brimmed hat to church." Wearing a brimmed hat to synagogue is ordinary for an Orthodox Talmudic Jew (see below).     

An Orthodox Talmudic Jew wearing his brimmed hat .
An Orthodox Talmudic Jew wearing his brimmed hat .

James Knox: A Talmudic Crypto-Jew and Pharisee

Pharisaism at the time of Jesus Christ is today known as Talmudic Judaism. James Knox is a Talmudic Jew and Pharisee. The Lord Jesus Christ well described the Pharisees in Matthew 23:

4 For they bind heavy burdens and grievous to be borne, and lay them on men's shoulders; but they themselves will not move them with one of their fingers.

13 But woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye shut up the kingdom of heaven against men: for ye neither go in yourselves, neither suffer ye them that are entering to go in.

14 Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye devour widows' houses, and for a pretence make long prayer: therefore ye shall receive the greater damnation.

15 Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye compass sea and land to make one proselyte [Knox requires that his congregation publicly display signs to advertise his church], and when he is made, ye make him twofold more the child of hell than yourselves.

28 Even so ye also outwardly appear righteous unto men, but within ye are full of hypocrisy and iniquity.

33 Ye serpents, ye generation of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell?

James Knox's Best Kept Secret: His Father, Maitland Brooks Knox, was a Wealthy and Influential International Banker

On Sunday 3/20/22, James Knox preached the morning and evening sermons at his church. They were titled 2 Corinthians Lesson 18 and 19. In both of these sermons Knox strongly appealed to his congregation for money while citing his parents as models for Christian giving. One point he belabored was that in spite of his parents' poverty, they always tithed and therefore God blessed them. For example, in Lesson 18 at 1:05:07, Knox praised his mother's supposed charitable giving in spite of her poverty:

"She's been living on $18,000 a year since dad died. And she gives $6,000 to the church every year. I don't know many people who would be content to live on $1,500 a month and I don't know anybody who gives 1/3 of their income to Jesus Christ. You know why I didn't know that? Nobody but my son knew."  Nobody knew for another reason: Knox is lying.  His mother, Wanda Knox, was wealthy.

At 1:07:50, and while feigning to cry, Knox preached, "My mother sent [money] from the time she was a toddler till the time she went to Heaven...gave from her heart to the church. 'That lady traveled the world and lived like a queen because God blessed her. You wouldn't think a person that had the income she had [near poverty level] could go to the places she went and do the things she did.'"

Maitland Brooks Knox's Obituary Confirms his Wealth which Confirms James Knox's Fraud*

Knox would have his congregation believe that his mother "traveled the world and lived like a queen" on a meager income because God blessed her tithe. How was Wanda Knox really able to live this "royal" lifestyle? Wanda Knox's husband and James Knox's father was Maitland Brooks Knox. The following excerpt is from his obituary.

"Maitland Brooks Knox, 78, of Village Green Road, died Jan. 22, 2005, at Halifax Medical Center in Daytona Beach. Mr. Knox retired in 1983 as president of First National Bank of New Smyrna Beach. Born in Alexandria, La., he moved to DeLand from New Smyrna Beach in 1996...Mr. Knox worked his way through Stonier Graduate School at Rutgers University, earning a degree in banking and finance. He taught banking at several schools, frequently lectured for the American Bankers Association, and gave expert-witness testimony before the U.S. Congress...He enjoyed traveling, and he visited all 50 states and numerous foreign countries."

Maitland Brooks Knox's obituary reveals the real reason why his wife, Wanda Knox, "traveled the world and lived like a queen." Her husband was a wealthy and influential bank president who traveled to "all 50 states and numerous foreign countries."

Maitland Brooks Knox taught banking, represented the powerful American Bankers Association, and gave expert testimony before U.S. Congress. His extensive foreign travels along with being a First National Bank president positioned his involvement in international banking.

*Fraud is a term used to describe deception perpetrated in order to achieve some kind of goal or benefit. James Knox perpetrates this deception in order to achieve financial gain.  

Maitland Brooks Knox Represented the American Bankers Association

In addition to giving expert-witness testimony before the US Congress, James Knox's father, Maitland Brooks Knox, represented the American Bankers Association.  According to his obituary, "Maitland Brooks Knox frequently lectured for the American Bankers Association."

"ABA members include banks of all sizes and charters, and between them they represent over 95 percent of the industry's $13.5 trillion in assets, and employ over 2 million men and women." (L).

Wanda Knox Contradicted her son, James Knox: "He [Maitland Brooks Knox] was a very successful banker."

First National Bank of New Smyrna Beach: Maitland Brooks Knox was its President
First National Bank of New Smyrna Beach: Maitland Brooks Knox was its President

In a recent interview, Wanda Knox-My Testimony, Wanda Knox, said of her husband, "He was one of the youngest bank presidents in Florida. He was very successful. He worked for National Bank and they even sent him overseas on trade missions for the government."

Wanda Knox stated that her favorite country to travel to was "naturally" Israel

Wanda Knox added that at one time her husband was the president of two banks in Florida and at 16 min. she said that her favorite country to travel to was Israel. Was Wanda Knox a citizen of Israel?

Considering these impressive credentials, it's fair to venture that Maitland Brooks Knox was not only a very successful international banker, but was an insider in the banking world.

Given that James Knox's father's wealth enabled his mother to "travel the world and live like a queen," it's dishonest and fraudulent for Knox to maintain that his parents traveled the world while poor. And why was Knox so very angry with his congregation for their perceived lack of giving? Isn't it because Knox also frequently travels the world and wants to maintain his "royal" lifestyle on their dime?

"And through covetousness shall they with feigned words make merchandise of you: whose judgment now of a long time lingereth not, and their damnation slumbereth not." (2 Peter 2:3)

Since James Knox preached that his mother tithed "while impoverished" until the day she died, he couldn't very well disclose that his mother, Wanda Knox, was wealthy, nor could he disclose the existence of the Wanda S Knox Trust.  

James Knox's Magical Practices (Jewish Kabbalism) bring Sickness and Death to his Congregation!

Update:  Now that James Knox has been Diagnosed with Stage 4 Prostate Cancer, will he repent of Practicing Kabbalism (Witchcraft)?  

James Knox is a practitioner of Jewish Kabbalism (witchcraft) which employs a magical practice known as divination. Kabbalism involves divining God's word to learn the "hidden" meanings which lie within the letters of the Bible. It's a magical practice that involves consulting the "letter gods" (familiar spirits/demons) that lie within the KJV text. This is why Knox advocates King James Onlyism and why he's insistent that the KJV is inerrant, that it must never be changed, and that Greek can never be used to understand its meaning.   

What does God's Word say about those (like James Knox) who Practice Witchcraft (Kabbalism)?

What does God's word say about those who engage in magical practices like witchcraft and divination and those who consult familiar spirits (demons)?

Exodus 22:18 "Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live."

Deuteronomy 18:10-12 "There shall not be found among you any one...that useth divination, or an observer of times, or an enchanter, or a witch. Or a charmer, or a consulter with familiar spirits, or a wizard...For all that do these things are an abomination unto the Lord."

God's Penalties for Practicing Witchcraft (Jewish Kabbalism) are Sickness and Death  

Deuteronomy 28:58-66 "If thou wilt not observe to do all the words of this law that are written in this book...Then the LORD will make thy plagues wonderful...and sore sicknesses. Moreover he will bring upon thee all the diseases of Egypt.Also every sickness, and every plague, which is not written in the book of this law... until thou be destroyed...the LORD shall give thee there a trembling heart, and failing of eyes, and sorrow of mind...And thy life shall hang in doubt before thee; and thou shalt fear day and night, and shalt have none assurance of thy life."

James Knox's Personal Testimony of Sickness and Death 

The following quotes have been taken from the Preface of "From Where I Stand: My Personal Testimony" by James Knox (2007).

"The sixth reason for telling this tale [his testimony] has to do with death. In a span of twenty-six months our little church was visited twenty-four times by the grief and sadness that comes from losing loved ones....It seemed as though death were clinging to me and that almost every day I was in a hospital or in a funeral home...(p.16)

"During much of this time I was very, very ill with a viral infection in my lungs which made every breath a chore."(p. 16)

James Knox admits the many sick within his small church congregation: "We've got the longest sick list we've ever had."

On Sunday, 11/5/23, James Knox held up a list (see below) of the many sick people in his church congregation. Knox then stated at 14:50, "I guess we've got the longest sick list we've ever had." (L)   

Why does James Knox's small church have such a very long sick list? Does his congregation know that Knox, as an Orthodox Jew, teaches that health and healing are ONLY for Israel and NOT for the Church?

Why does James Knox's small church have such a long sick list? Being a Talmudic Jew, James Knox falsely teaches that the promises of health and healing are ONLY for Israel and NOT for the Christian church, which he hates. At the 9:30 mark of Israel's Privileges Still Apply, James Knox taught the following lie: "Why do people want promises of physical health and healing that God made to Israel and not to the Church?"

Knox's sermon on 8/4/24 was called "Prayer and Desire."  During this sermon Knox said that he has been diagnosed with Cancer!  James Knox is a Kabbalist who practices witchcraft and divination.  God's penalties for practicing these dark arts are sickness and death.  As we sow, so shall we reap.  It now appears that Knox has reaped what he's sown.  

James Knox: A Pathological Liar and Confidence Man

The High School Achievements of which James Knox Boasted are all False

On 6/12/22, James Knox gave a sermon called "A Challenge to Young Adults" (above). Knox spent the entire sermon boasting of his high school achievements and if that's not bad enough, the accomplishments for which he boasted are false.

For instance, at 10:55 Knox boasted that he lettered in 4 sports in high school. While showing his congregation his high school sports letter "S", Knox said, "This is my football letter, and my basketball letter, and my track and field letter, and my golf letter..." At 14:48 Knox also boasted, "I was voted President of the Student Body." (He held no such elected office).

James Knox attended New Smyrna Beach High School. The New Smyrna Beach High School yearbook is available online and like any yearbook, the grads' pictures are displayed along with their school accomplishments. James Knox's picture is below.  

The High School Sports Achievements of which James Knox boasted are not Listed in his High School Yearbook

Listed below Knox's grad picture is Co-Pres S.G.A., (the Student Government Association for which a student applies. An SGA application can be seen here), Span Club, Interact (a Rotary Club), and I.C.C. (Inter-Club Council). No sports are listed. Though Knox boasted that he lettered in varsity football, basketball, and track, these sports are listed for the other grads, but not for Knox. For example, notice Greg Martin's graduation picture (below), who did participate in football, basketball, and track.

No Sports are Listed
No Sports are Listed
Football, Basketball, and Track are Listed
Football, Basketball, and Track are Listed

Why did James Knox brag of "Breaking Several Basketball Scoring Records" when he was NOT on the Basketball Team?

Perhaps Knox's varsity football, basketball, and track accomplishments were mistakenly omitted from his graduation picture. Afterall, not only did Knox boast that he lettered in basketball, but at 13:10, he preached of the many basketball scoring records he held: "I broke several school scoring records in basketball and my picture was in the newspaper. What a big deal! I walked around town thinking they were going to ask me for my autograph." Since Knox wasn't on the basketball team (see below), how could he hold any basketball scoring records? Why would Knox's picture be in the newspaper and why would anyone have asked him for his autograph? As seen from his grad picture (above) and from the team picture (below), Greg Martin was, however, on the basketball team.   

James Knox is not on the Basketball Team
James Knox is not on the Basketball Team

Why did James Knox brag of Lettering in Varsity Football when he was NOT on the Football Team?

James Knox bragged of lettering in varsity football, but just like basketball, Knox isn't seen in the team picture (below). As seen from his grad picture (above) and from the team picture (below), Greg Martin was, however, on the football team. 

James Knox is not on the Football Team
James Knox is not on the Football Team
James Knox is not on the Football Team
James Knox is not on the Football Team

Why did James Knox brag of Lettering in Track when he was NOT on the Track Team?

Knox bragged that he was on the high school track team and at 11:33, he said, "I was fast; I ran like the wind."  As seen in the team photo (below), Greg Martin was on the track team, as this achievement was listed under his graduation picture. James Knox is not listed or pictured as being on the track team.  

James Knox is not on the Track Team
James Knox is not on the Track Team

James Knox was a Member of "Interact," a Rotary International Service Club, a Masonic Organization

Listed under James Knox's high school graduation picture is "Interact," which meant that Knox was a member of an Interact Club.

A Rotary International website states, "Interact is Rotary International's service club for young people ages 12 to 18. Interact clubs are sponsored by individual Rotary clubs..."

A Masonic Website states that Rotary is Freemasonry:

"...a symbiosis between the Rotary, Lions and Freemasonry existed in Italy. Suffice it to say that it was none other than Giordano Gamberini, a former Grand Master of the Grand Orient of Italy-who declared-on page 5 of the February 1981 issue of the Masonic periodical Hiram, that the two service Societies were Masonic Societies.

"The most infamous Masonic lodge in Europe is called P2...P2 officially was established in 1966 by Giordano Gamberini, grand master of the Grande Oriente d'ltalia... (L).

"The Rotarian Lodge N. 415 whose 29 founders were also members of a Rotary Club in London, received the patent in 1920 from the United Grand Lodge of England." The United Grand Lodge of England (UGLE) is the mother of all Masonic Lodges which even founded the U.S. in 1776. (L)

"Rotary is a Masonic Jewish organization of business and professional leaders..." (L)

Note: Like the Mark of the Beast, the logo for Rotary International is also a 6-pointed star or a hexagram.

Kabbalists James Knox and his Crypto-Jewish Initiates

Why did James Knox preach these many outrageous lies to his congregation? Were they designed to somehow bolster his credibility? Knox's endgame agenda is to deceive those "left behind" with Jewish Kabbalism (witchcraft).  Knox plans to deceive them into obeying the Noahide Laws, into worshiping the Jewish Antichrist, and into taking the Mark of the Beast.

After the rapture, the KJV bible will be used by Jewish Kabbalists (James Knox) utilizing witchcraft and divination to convince church members to worship the Antichrist and to take his Mark. These Kabbalists (Rabbis will also be brought into the churches) will employ witchcraft in order to "discern" the "esoteric" or the occult "hidden" meaning in the King James bible.

"The obligations and rules of the rite for the Jewish masses are contained in the Talmud, but the esoteric teachings of the higher initiates are to be found in the Kabballah. Therein are contained the mysterious rites for evocations, the indications and keys to practices for conjuration of supernatural forces, the science of numbers, astrology, etc.

"The practical application of the Kabbalist knowledge is manifested in the use made of it, through the ages, by Jews to gain influence both in the higher spheres of Gentile life [churches] and over the masses." (Occult Theocrasy by Edith Starr Miller)

Through the use of mysterious rites for evocations, Kabbalists James Knox and his crypto-Jewish initiates are able to conjure supernatural forces to gain influence over the KJV-Only churches.

James Knox's Fake Conversion Testimony:  Why does it Exclude Jesus Christ?

James Knox presented his conversion experience in From Where I Stand, Chap 4, "Conversion," pp. 51-53. As his spiel goes, Knox was once in a hospital and in pain when suddenly he heard an inaudible voice that was "harsh, angry, and terrifying." The voice said, "Make your choice." Knox concludes that this voice was God calling him to conversion.

Knox's "conversion" isn't at all believable because in the pages where it's recounted Jesus Christ is never mentioned. All Christians know that true conversion only comes by saving faith in Jesus Christ, the only name under Heaven by which man can be saved. Moreover, Jesus spoke in parables so that "seeing they couldn't perceive" and "hearing they couldn't understand." Jesus Christ isn't angry, harsh, or at all desperate for converts as Knox would have you believe and Jesus Christ would never speak in a "terrifying" voice to convert anyone.

"And he said unto them, Unto you it is given to know the mystery of the kingdom of God: but unto them that are without, all these things are done in parables: That seeing they may see, and not perceive; and hearing they may hear, and not understand; lest at any time they should be converted, and their sins should be forgiven them." (Mark 4: 11,12)

As a Crypto-Jewish Kabbalist posing as a Christian minister, recounting his "conversion experience" is to be expected. If Knox ever does rewrite this "experience," perhaps he'll think not to exclude Jesus Christ.       

James Knox once told the truth: "I have never had a call to preach"

The following quotes have been taken from "From Where I Stand" (2013) by James Knox (my comments are in blue).

1. "Some of you will not appreciate the following, but I have never heard or felt a specific call to preach. All I know is that from that day forward doors began to open." (p. 63)

"Then the Lord said unto me, The prophets prophesy lies in my name: I sent them not, neither have I commanded them, neither spake unto them: they prophesy unto you a false vision and divination, and a thing of nought, and the deceit of their heart." (Jeremiah 14:14)

Since Knox has never heard a call to preach, what kinds of doors began opening for him?

"Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that entereth not by the door into the sheepfold, but climbeth up some other way, the same is a thief and a robber...The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly." (John 1:1,10)

It should be obvious to Christians who have heard him preach that Knox has never been called by God.

2. "We never counted anyone as converted who said a prayer or made a profession of faith but did not subsequently join themselves to a church." (p. 70)

Knox doesn't believe in Jesus Christ and he doesn't care at all about saving souls. He pressures his congregation to evangelize only to catch more tithing church members.

3. "There were two small radio stations in our town, one programmed for senior citizens and the other with a country and western format. We went to the latter, WCCZ, and asked to meet with the station manager. In the office we were greeted by a large bald man in a bright blue leisure suit, wide white belt and white shoes, shirt unbuttoned halfway down to his navel, a huge Star of David hanging around his neck, and a 32nd degree Mason's ring on his finger. What a sight! "We told him we were interested in purchasing airtime so we could preach the gospel. He smiled and said, 'As fate would have it, I just had 30 minutes on Sunday morning come available.' (p.82)

Scottish Rite Masonic Ring: 32nd Degree
Scottish Rite Masonic Ring: 32nd Degree

Not only did a Jewish Freemason give Knox his start in "Christian" radio, but Knox was even able to recognize the degree his Masonic ring represented. It's likely that Knox is also a Jewish Freemason.

3a. "I was offered a job writing radio programs for Charles Halff and the Christian Jew Hour." (Footnote 27 on p. 154)

Charles Halff is a Jew. Knox was offered this job because he's also a Jew.

4. "We do not involve ourselves in any form of politics or in social issues." (p. 162)

Knox's Zionist agenda is nothing but politics.

5. "Do not waste one minute of your time with Greek or Hebrew. Not once since December 17, 1976 in ministering to the saved or witnessing to the lost have I ever had any reason to know or refer to anything in those tongues..." (p.208)

Though Knox says that spending time in the Hebrew and Greek is a "waste of time," this time spent is often essential in understanding God's word. To give an example:

The first verse in the Bible is, "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth." The following commentary is by FB Hole.

"The chapter opens with GOD. The word used in the Hebrew is Elohim, a word, remarkably enough, of plural form. This is the more striking when we remember that the Hebrew has, besides a singular, a dual form for its nouns. Dual signifies two, plural therefore signifying three or more. Yet the verb "created" is in the singular! Why this apparent breach of grammar? Evidently in order that in the very introduction to our knowledge of God we may receive a hint of the truth afterwards plainly revealed that He is a Trinity in Unity - three Persons yet one God. (L)

It's revealing that, by this admission, Knox has never taught his congregation this important truth or any other truths that can only be known by turning to the Hebrew and Greek. This teaching furthers Knox's Kabbalist agenda which depends on using an "inerrant" and unchanging English King James bible whose "esoteric truths" can then only be discerned later by Kabbalism, which is witchcraft.

6. "When I set down to study my method is a very simple one. I ask the following questions of the passage... Can I define each word?" (p. 209)

Since Knox won't refer to the Greek or Hebrew, how does he define each word? Understanding God's word requires knowing the correct context, not merely the definition of words. To advance his Zionist and Kabbalist agenda, Knox must actually redefine each word.

7. "I find most churches exist only to exist. They serve no valid function in this world. They minister to and for themselves. They should be closed!" (p. 214)

The ministry of the church is to perfect and to edify the body of Christ and not to serve the world as Knox states.

"And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers; for the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ..." (Ephesians 4:11-12)

The Gospel is being preached not to help or to convert the world, but to gather out of it a people for His name. "God at the first did visit the Gentiles, to take out of them a people for his name." (Acts 15:14)

It's evident that James Knox is not a Christian, a Christian teacher, or a Christian pastor. It's also evident from his constant criticism of the Church that he hates Jesus Christ's Church.

James Knox's Satanic Agenda: To Deceive his "Left Behind" Church Members into Worshiping the Antichrist and Taking his Mark.

The rapture of the Church is imminent. All Christians sealed with the Holy Spirit are securely held by God and will surely be taken. Knowing this, the Devil and his agents working within churches have not focused their attention so much on edifying the soon departing Body of Christ, but on deceiving those many church members who will be left behind.

Their agenda calls for those left behind to worship the Antichrist and to take his Mark. To facilitate this agenda, agents are busy confusing end time events. In particular, congregations are being confused regarding Christ's second coming, as well as to the identity of the Antichrist and his Mark.

On March 13, 2022, James Knox gave a sermon (below) titled, Self Cleansing / 2 Corinthians-Lesson 16. In this sermon Knox not only confused the rapture with the second coming of Christ, but repeatedly preached that there will be no signs given for Christ's second coming. This can be heard starting at about the 15:18 mark of the video below.

Why did Knox say that there will be no signs for Christ's second coming when God's word gives many signs? Why did Knox mock Christians who correctly discern that we are very close to Christ's coming when he preached, "You ain't close to nothing, but higher gas prices."

At the 19:30 mark, Knox discouraged his congregation from even trying to find out the identity of the Antichrist. Knox preached, "Well shouldn't we spend our whole life finding out who the Antichrist is and talking about what he's gonna do? No, here's all you need to know. We're leaving. He comes to power. The Lord destroys him. Now go win someone to Christ and enjoy your family. Come to church, stop skipping church to try to research who the Antichrist is."

Is that all his church members need to know about the Antichrist? That he's coming to power and that the Lord will destroy him? Since many church members in Knox's congregation will be left behind, perhaps they or their family need to know something more. Would it be helpful if they knew the Antichrist's identity (Thomas Plantard de Saint Clair)? Or the identity of his Mark (The Star of David)? 

To further his Kabbalist (witchcraft) agenda, James Knox Blasphemes the Holy Spirit in stating that the King James Bible Translation is Superior to the Original Manuscripts

In 2012, James Knox gave a sermon at Charity Baptist Church in Incheon, South Korea. Knox taught the Korean Christians that the King James translation is perfect and even superior to the original manuscripts. 

At about 24:30 of the You Tube below Knox says the following:

"Let's see what God says about translating. Come to Hebrews 11:5. 'By faith Enoch was translated that he should not see death; and was not found, because God had translated him.' Enoch was living in a world full of sin, then God translated him. Now he's living in Heaven in the presence of God. I ask you, 'Was Enoch's original condition better or was his translated condition better? According to the Bible, the translated Enoch was better than the original. So if a man says a translation can never be as good as the original, that's not what the Bible teaches."

It's ridiculous to use the rapture or "the translation of Enoch" from earth to Heaven as "proof" that the KJV "translation" is superior to the originals. Why has Knox gone to this very desperate length to convince Christians that the KJV bible is perfect and inerrant?

The reason is because after the rapture, the KJV bible will be used by Jewish Kabbalists, like James Knox, who, by their witchcraft and divination, will convince church members "left behind" to worship the Antichrist and to take his Mark. These King James Only Kabbalists will employ witchcraft in order to "discern" the "esoteric" or the occult "hidden" meaning in the bible to deceive those church members left behind. Primarily, church members will be tricked into believing that the Jewish Antichrist, and not Jesus Christ, is the Messiah.

James Knox's Deceptive Teaching is from the Babylonian Talmud

In the above video, at the 40.00 mark, James Knox is desperate to "prove" that the KJV translation is superior to the originals. Knox's lies are highlighted in blue.

"The first set of tables were written with the finger of God. The second set, God said to Moses, 'You write them.' The only 10 commandments anyone on earth ever saw were those written by men. Moses wrote the copy. God wrote the original. The God who wrote the original also gave the copy. Even though it was man who wrote the copy."

Knox's false teaching is that God wrote the original 10 commandments and Moses wrote the copy; therefore, the KJV translation (the copy) is as perfect as the original manuscripts. Knox's reasoning is fallacious since God wrote the copy of the 10 commandments and not Moses, as Knox stated. Knox's false teaching is based on his deliberate misinterpretation of Exodus 34:28.

"And the Lord said unto Moses, Write thou these words: for after the tenor of these words I have made a covenant with thee and with Israel. And he was there with the LORD forty days and forty nights; he did neither eat bread, nor drink water. And he wrote upon the tables the words of the covenant, the ten commandments." (Exodus 34:2-28) 

In verse 27, God told Moses to write a transcript of the covenant and not to write a copy of the 10 commandments.  Deuteronomy 10:1-4 confirms that the words "he wrote" in Exodus 34:28 refer back to "the LORD."

"At that time the LORD said unto me, Hew thee two tables of stone like unto the first, and come up unto me into the mount, and make thee an ark of wood.  And I will write on the tables the words that were in the first tables which thou brakest, and thou shalt put them in the ark.  And I made an ark of shittim wood, and hewed two tables of stone like unto the first, and went up into the mount, having the two tables in mine hand.  And he wrote on the tables, according to the first writing, the ten commandments, which the LORD spake unto you in the mount out of the midst of the fire in the day of the assembly: and the LORD gave them unto me."

Where did James Knox get his false teaching that Moses wrote the 10 Commandments on the second tables of stone?  Read Parshat Hashavua: Moses and the Two Tablets by Orthodox Rabbi Shlomo Riskin of CHABAD LUBAVITCH.

James Knox's Deception: The Mark of the Beast will be a "Black Spot."

One recent teaching given by James Knox on Nov 6, 2021 is titled, "The Mark of the Beast / Chapter 13 / Lesson 146." In this teaching, James Knox identifies the Mark of the Beast as being a "black spot" that will be received in the middle of one's forehead. Knox rationalizes with the absurdity that because the Beast described in Rev. 13: 2 is partly "like unto a leopard" and all leopards have black spots, then the Mark of the Beast will be a "black spot."

Knox doesn't want known the true identity of the Mark of the Beast, the emblem on the State of Israel's flag.  

James Knox's Blasphemy: "Jesus Christ is not a King on His Throne, but just a 'Prince in Waiting'" 

"Now unto the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only wise God, be honour and glory for ever and ever. Amen." (1 Timothy 1:17)

"But unto the Son he saith, Thy throne, O God, is for ever and ever: a sceptre of righteousness is the sceptre of thy kingdom." (Hebrews 1:8)

On 5/29/22 James Knox's sermon was titled, "The Coming of the Lord/Micah-Lesson 3." Knox said, "Revelation 1:5, 'And from Jesus Christ, who is the faithful witness, and the first begotten of the dead, and the prince of the kings of the earth.' Now listen. If he's the prince of the kings of the earth that means he is not on the throne, but he is in line for the throne. Do you understand that?...He's not the king, he's the prince. That bothers some of you [It should bother everyone who knows God's Word.] Jesus Christ is a prince. That means he's in line for a throne, but somebody's got to get off that throne in order for him to take the throne."

Later, Knox said, "He hath on his vesture and a name written, King of Kings and Lord of Lords. There it is. He's a prince in waiting now, when he comes back, he will be a king."

According to Knox's blasphemy, Jesus Christ is not now a King on His throne, but merely "a prince waiting in line for somebody to get off that throne."  

Why does James Knox, a Jewish Kabbalist, demote Jesus Christ, the King of Kings, to a mere Prince?        

There is a reason James Knox demotes Jesus to a mere prince, instead of the King of Kings. Cults like Freemasonry, Jehovah's Witnesses, Seventh Day Adventists and Urantia believe that Jesus is Michael the Archangel, a created being who will be "the great prince which standeth for the children of Israel." (Daniel 12:1)  During the Tribulation period, a counterfeit Prince Michael the Archangel will slay the counterfeit Dragon (Rome) to falsely fulfill Daniel 12:1 and Revelation 12:7-9:

"And at that time shall Michael stand up, the great prince which standeth for the children of thy people: and there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time: and at that time thy people shall be delivered, every one that shall be found written in the book." Dan 12:1

"And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels, And prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven. And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him. " Rev 12:7-9

This counterfeit Prince Michael will claim to be the messiah. (See: The Merovingian Dynasty: The Roman Dragon)

"James Knox's False Teachings are Repelled, Refuted, and Rebuked"

"James Knox's False Teachings on Election Repelled, Refuted, and Rebuked" is an excellent article written by Pedro Almeida. The following are a few quotes from his article.

"We could barely believe the large amounts of false doctrines that Pastor Knox was teaching in such a short period of time." "Pastor Knox must be rebuked also because of this sorry mishandling of the word of God." "Pastor Knox is distorting, twisting, and mishandling the Bible...That is shameful deception." "[Pastor Knox's] statement is so silly and ridiculous that it's easily refuted." "It is sad to see how far from the bible a preacher will go to prove his stubbornness." "It is a sad and frightful situation when a preacher...puts himself so far from the clear teachings of the bible that he ends up deceiving himself and others, denying so blatantly the scriptures." "[Knox] is putting to shame the name Baptist, but worse than that he is twisting the words of God to whom he will give account."   

James Knox's Deception: The Mark of the Beast may be a Computer Chip

In his study on the Book of Revelation, James Knox makes no mention that the Mark of the Beast will be a brand/tattoo of the Star of David/Seal of Solomon/Star of Remphan, nor does he mention the translation errors in Revelation 13:16, 14:9 and 20:4. Knox neglects to teach that, according to God's word, the Mark of the Beast must be on and not in the hand and forehead. Instead, he hints that the Mark of the Beast may be a computer chip by stating that the end times Satanic system may involve "computer chips under the skin, and the use of DNA readers." Knox concludes by saying, "There is no reason to believe that the Mark of the Beast will not be accepted as readily as any other 'helpful, humanitarian' government program." (Knox, James W., The Book of Revelation, (Christ-Honoring Commentary Series) (pp. 455-456).

Will people accept the Mark of the Beast as readily as they will accept food stamp cards? This is unlikely given the stern warnings by God's angelic witnesses:

"A third angel followed them and said in a loud voice: "If anyone worships the beast and its image and receives its mark on their forehead or on their hand, they, too, will drink the wine of God's fury, which has been poured full strength into the cup of his wrath. They will be tormented with burning sulfur in the presence of the holy angels and of the Lamb. And the smoke of their torment will rise for ever and ever. There will be no rest day or night for those who worship the beast and its image, or for anyone who receives the mark of its name." (Rev. 14:9-11)

James Knox Teaches from the Jewish Kabbalah in his book, "Will Some Christians Miss the Kingdom?"

This book is preoccupied with the role of Christians in the earthly Millennial Kingdom of Israel and dispenses with the Christians' hope of Heaven and the New Jerusalem. One chapter in the book is titled, "Is the Believer's Place in the Millennial Kingdom Secure?" with one question posed throughout the book, "Will I lose my place in the Kingdom?" The premise of Knox's book is false. Raptured Christians will reign with Christ during the Millennium, however, they will be reigning from the heavenly New Jerusalem, whereas the Jewish remnant who are saved will rule their earthly kingdom from ancient Jerusalem.

In the book, Knox says,"Before we go on the reader must remember that heaven is not God, and God is not Heaven. Thus the terms kingdom of heaven and kingdom of God do not denote the same thing. Just as heaven is material, so the kingdom of heaven always speaks of the visible, physical throne and government of the Lord upon the earth..."

Knox's reasoning here is not only unbiblical, but is taught in the Kabbalah, the Jewish tradition of mystical interpretation of the Bible. The Kabbalah actually teaches that the nation of Israel is the "source and origin" of the Kingdom of Heaven, which can't even exist without Israel, the earthly kingdom.

"The earthly kingdom is the source and origin of the Heavenly. Remove the earthly kingdom and you remove the Divine Revelation of God in the midst of Israel. The Heavenly Kingdom is broken up and vanishes. Its raison d'etre is completely gone. " (Jewish Mysticism and Introduction to the Kabbalah p.85)

Also, contrary to what Knox teaches, in the New Testament, the Kingdom of Heaven and the Kingdom of God are interchangeable and are without difference.

Matt 19:23-24-Verily I say unto you, That a rich man shall hardly enter into the kingdom of heaven. And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.

Matt 13:31-The kingdom of heaven is like to a grain of mustard seed, which a man took, and sowed in his field...

Mark 4:30-31-Whereunto shall we liken the kingdom of God? or with what comparison shall we compare it? It is like a grain of mustard seed...

Knox, a crypto-Jewish deceiver, is promoted by Gail Riplinger, a Jew and a practitioner of Kabbalism, whose agenda is to infiltrate churches with Jewish Kabbalism (witchcraft), which involves divining God's word through the "hidden" meanings which lie within the letters of the KJV. This is why Knox and Gail Riplinger are both advocates of King James Onlyism and why both are insistent that the KJV is inerrant, that it must never be changed, and that Greek can never be used to understand its meaning. In fact, Riplinger even refers to Christians who do study the Greek text as "devils":

"The teachers of Greek...are full-grown devils, and the learners of Greek are little devils..." (Hidden History of the English Scriptures by Riplinger)

James Knox's book reveals his strong opposition to the use of any Greek which provides evidence for his Kabbalist agenda. Like Riplinger, Knox also ridiculed Greek study in response to a man who used Greek to better understand God's word.

"Less toying with Greek and more attention to English would help tremendously," said Knox and "I did not see more Greeks when I was in Athens," stated Knox.

When a clear meaning of God's word was given "from the construction of Greek words," Knox responded, "Give it a rest. Why this constant undermining of the Bible?"

Knox not only insists on a prohibition of any Greek, but to use Greek to gain understanding constitutes, according to Knox's Kabbalist agenda, "undermining of the Bible!" It doesn't matter at all to Knox that the Greek Textus Receptus IS the Bible and that the English King James is just one translation!

King James Version-Only Kabbalists, like James Knox, posing as Christians, are advocating for the use of an "inerrant, perfect bible" to lead Christians into occult practices and, ultimately, into the end-time deception of the Antichrist. Because Christians are unfamiliar with the occult world and its demonic practices they easily fall prey to deceivers like James Knox and his global network of King James Version-Only churches.

For a thorough explanation of Knox's Kabbalist agenda and why he's King James Only and opposed to using any Greek to gain understanding, please read Gail Riplinger and the Kabbalah.

James Knox's Jewish Kabbalist Associations

James Knox is promoted by Gail Riplinger, a Jewish Kabbalist, who he refers to as Sister Riplinger. Her maiden name is Gail Ludwig and her mentor was James H Sightler, a crypt-Jew who promoted the Talmud (L) and who avidly promoted Riplinger's books.* James H Sightler's father was Dr. Harold B Sightler, who in 1952 founded Tabernacle Baptist Church in Greenville, SC. According to James Sightler, Harold Sightler read and praised the work of a medieval Kabbalist, Johann Reuchlin (1).

Harold B. Sightler was also a contemporary of Jack Hyles who spoke freqently at Sightler's Tabernacle Baptist Church. When Jack Hyles' 20 year adulterous affair and many other sex scandals at his First Baptist Church and other IFB Churches were exposed, Harold Sightler participated in the cover-up, according to a former student of Tabernacle Christian School:

"If a 13 year old boy in Greenville, South Carolina knew the sexual indiscretions of a minister in Hammond Indiana in the late 60's, it is not a 'local church matter'. Why did it take 20 years for John R. Rice, Harold Sightler, Bob Jones Jr. Rod Bell, Walt Hanford, Oliver B. Green, Jack Van Impe and many others, to bring this man to account. Surely they knew more than this 13 year old boy."

From February 22-26 in 2021, James Knox spoke at this same Tabernacle Baptist Church which is within a large network of 5000 "Independent Fundamental Baptist" churches. James H Sightler's son-in-law, Joel Logan, is the current pastor of Tabernacle Baptist Church and a frequent speaker (from 1999-2016) at James Knox's Bible Baptist Church conferences. Joel Logan's brother, Brent Logan, is also a frequent speaker at James Knox's church conferences and is the pastor of Sweet Springs Baptist Church in Ardmore, AL where James Knox last spoke from Sept. 14-16, 2020. James Knox's Assistant Pastor, David Andrew Brown (another Crypto-Jew), attended Sweet Springs Baptist Church under Pastor Joel Logan's teaching.

*The publications of James Sightler and Gail Riplinger are thoroughly leavened with deceptive documentation purporting to prove that the KJV is divinely inspired and inerrant: misquoted sources, manipulated data, revised Church history, Jewish Kabbalism, false teachings, numerous fallacies, speculations, inconsistencies, double standards, and unproven assumptions.

1. Dr. James H. Sightler, "A Testimony Founded Forever," (1999) preface xv. 

Gail Riplinger is a Jewish Kabbalist seen here casting a spell. She fully supports James Knox, who refers to her as Sister Riplinger.
Gail Riplinger is a Jewish Kabbalist seen here casting a spell. She fully supports James Knox, who refers to her as Sister Riplinger.
James H Sightler: A Talmudic Jew and Gail Riplinger's mentor
James H Sightler: A Talmudic Jew and Gail Riplinger's mentor
Harold B Sightler, A Talmudic Jew and James Sightler's father
Harold B Sightler, A Talmudic Jew and James Sightler's father
James H Sightler's son-in law, Joel Logan (David Andrew Brown's mentor), Brent Logan, and James Knox
James H Sightler's son-in law, Joel Logan (David Andrew Brown's mentor), Brent Logan, and James Knox

To Refute Zionism in James Knox's Church is to be Labeled a "Jew-hater"

On Thursday night, Oct 29, 2020, I attended James Knox's church and while leaving a man greeted me outside in the parking lot. In the course of our conversation, I told him that I opposed Knox's pro-Zionist sermon. I found out that to oppose Zionism is to commit the unpardonable sin in Knox's church.

Evidently, James Knox was told of my private conversation and on Sunday 11/1/20, he preached his Jewish Zionist rant (damage control which can be heard in the You Tube below).

Having concerns with this "sermon," I emailed Knox's assistant pastor, David Brown:

"I'm emailing to advise you to listen very carefully to Knox's 'sermon' this Sun morning (11/1). His rant mocks the Church, Gentiles, and Christians who know and speak biblical truth..."

David Andrew Brown, Knox's Crypto-Jewish employee, emailed me back the following: "I will not continue to entertain your anti-Jewish hatred, your conspiracy theories, or your disparaging comments regarding my pastor."

In stating the biblical truth in a private conversation that national Israel can't exist before Jesus Christ returns, I was labeled a "Jew-hater" by David Andrew Brown. I was labeled a Jew-hater for opposing Zionism with God's word in a private conversation.   

Anti-Zionism is not Anti-Semitism in Israel

In the "Opposition to Zionism" section of this website, one can see pictures of Jews in Israel holding up signs which state, "Anti-Zionism is not Anti-Semitism" (pictured below). Anti-Zionism is, however, antisemitism in James Knox's church as David Andrew Brown, was quick to label me a Jew-hater for opposing Zionism with God's word. With Joel Logan as his pastor (pictured above) and James Knox as his employer, it's likely that David Andrew Brown is another Crypto-Jewish minister.

Israeli Knesset Minister admits: "Antisemetism is a TRICK that's ALWAYS used to Discredit any Criticism of Israel"  

During an interview (below on You Tube), a Former Israeli Minister / Knesset member, Shulamit Aloni, admitted that to label someone "Anti-Semitic" is a TRICK ALWAYS USED in order to suppress any criticism of the policies of the Israeli government.

HOST: Often when there is dissent expressed in the United States against policies of the Israeli government people here are called anti-Semitic. What is your response to that as an Israeli Jew?

SHULAMIT ALONI: Well, it's a TRICK; we ALWAYS use it. When from Europe somebody is criticizing Israel then we bring up the Holocaust. When in this country people are criticizing Israel then there are anti-Semitic. And the organization is strong and has a lot of money.

So there you go. Shulamit Aloni, a former Israeli Minister...

Why does James Knox's Church Cult Forbid Free Speech?  

Shortly after telling one of Knox's church members in a parking lot that I opposed Zionism, I received the following email on 11/2/20 from James Knox's Crypto-Jewish employee, David Andrew Brown:

"You are not welcome to attend THE BIBLE Baptist Church and spread beliefs and/or teachings that are contrary to what our church and its leadership believes and teaches."

In not allowing me to "spread beliefs" contrary to what Knox's church and its leadership believes and teaches, though those beliefs are biblical, not only forbids my right to free speech, but qualifies James Knox's church as a cult. David Andrew Brown is in essence declaring that all Bible Baptist Church attendees must believe James Knox's many false teachings or leave.

In expressing the biblical truth that national Israel has no right to Palestine until the Jewish remnant believes in Jesus Christ to a fellow Christian in a private conversation, I incurred Knox's wrath and was labeled a Jew-hater by Knox's Crypto-Jewish employee, David Andrew Brown. Without doubt, Zionism is a fundamental doctrine of the faith at James Knox's Bible Baptist Church.

In response to this private conversation on 10/29, on 11/1 Knox gave the sermon (below) which displayed both his Zionist agenda and his very racist Jewish character.

James Knox's Racist Jewish Zionist Rant (11/1/20)

This "sermon" well represents James Knox's racist Jewish character and shows how much he hates both Jesus Christ's Church and Christian America. First, he claims that churches all over America are full of people who hate Jews, then he accuses Christians all over America of not believing in the Jewish holocaust. He repeats his false teaching that God's many promises (adoption, glory, health, property, etc.) were for Israel and not for the Church. Then he minimizes the vast amount of money America gives to Israel, while mocking any notion that Israel holds undue influence over American foreign policy.

In opposition to the Israeli Rabbis (pictured above), Knox and his Crypto-Jewish ministers (David Andrew Brown) maintain that anti-Zionism, though fully supported by God's word, is antisemitism (Jew hatred).

Commentary on James Knox's Racist Jewish Zionist Rant (11/1/20)

James Knox's sermon which begins at about the 2 minute mark is not only unbiblical, but well represents his racist Jewish character and his Zionist agenda. His sermon is excerpted below with my comments in blue.

2:16--"It's so strange. Your world is full of people who hate Jews and want to be Jews. It's the weirdest thing. It's so strange, everybody says the Jews are cursed, those people who say they're Jews aren't Jews cause we're Jews. Well, so are you cursed?"

Is it strange that people say the Jews are cursed? Jesus Christ cursed Israel for their rejection of Him:

"Behold, your house is left unto you desolate. For I say unto you, Ye shall not see me henceforth, till ye shall say, Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord." (Matt 23:38,39). 

 And the Jews cursed themselves:

"Then answered all the people, and said, His blood be on us, and on our children." (Matt 27:25)

3:41--"It's almost as if the Holy Spirit knew that after 2000 years of bible preaching, churches would still be full of people who either think they are Jews or hate Jews.

Knox is lying. Are churches filled with people who hate Jews? At 2:16, Knox said that the world is full of people who hate Jews. Then at 3:41, Knox says that churches are full of people who hate Jews. Knox is a very racist Orthodox Jew and according to his beliefs, all Christians are "Jew-haters" only if they don't agree with Zionism.

6:54--"Now that God has started his church, guess who has the adoption? Israel. Guess who has the glory? Israel...None of those things were transferred to the church. None of those things were taken away from Israel."

Knox is lying. The church has these things. "That we might receive the adoption of sons." (Gal 4:5) "We have received the Spirit of adoption." (Romans 8:15) "Having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ..." (Ephesians 1:5) "And the glory which thou gavest me I have given them." (John 17:22) Today, dispersed Israel has neither the adoption nor the glory.

8:15--"Romans 9:4 says they [the promises] still belong to Israel.

Knox is lying. Romans 9:6 states, "For they are not all Israel, which are of Israel." Most of Israel are children of the flesh; the children of God are the children of promise who will believe in Jesus Christ (Romans 9:7,8).

8:59--"People who don't read the bible, but believe everything they choose on the internet are arguing with pastors all over America that there wasn't a holocaust, that God's done with Israel, that Jews are the enemy of all righteousness and when you say show me that in the bible they send you to a website."

Knox is lying. Are Christians all over America arguing with pastors that there wasn't a holocaust? And how could any pastor be expected to establish its truthfulness since it occurred 1900 years after the bible was written? Christians know that God is not done with Israel and Christians know that national Israel won't be regathered until the Millennial Kingdom when the Jewish remnant believes in their Messiah, Jesus Christ. (Ezekiel 36-37, Zechariah 12-14)

9:30--"Why do people want promises of physical health and healing that God made to Israel and not to the Church? Property that God gave to Israel and not to the Church."

Knox is lying. God made conditional promises of health and property to Israel. He's also made promises of healing and property to the Church. Referring to Peter's mother-in-law: "That it might be fulfilled which was spoken by Esaias the prophet, saying, Himself took our infirmities, and bare our sicknesses." (Matt 8:17) "To another faith by the same Spirit; to another the gifts of healing by the same Spirit." (1 Cor. 12:9) Christians will rule and reign with Jesus and will inherit the entire world. "And has made us unto our God kings and priests: and we shall reign on the earth." (Rev. 5:10)

11:15--"Wouldn't it be a strange thing to say I'm a Christian and I'm anti-Jew?"

Is it a strange thing? "For ye also have suffered like things of your own countrymen, even as they have of the Jews: Who both killed the Lord Jesus, and their own prophets, and have persecuted us; and they please not God, and are contrary to all men." (1 Thess 2:14-15)

Christians are God's chosen people and the unbelieving Jews (like James Knox), have been condemned. Jews crucified Jesus Christ and their descendants still hate Him today. To answer Knox's question, read what the Jews' bible, the Talmud, has to say about Jesus Christ and Christians. Also, one should understand the Jews' Noahide Laws which are US law today.

12:24--"Here's the point: Everything God gave to Israel before Calvary still belongs to the nation of Israel after Calvary."

Knox is lying. God's promises to Israel were conditional. God did promise the land to Israel, but both Judah and Israel were taken captive for their continual disobedience, which culminated when they committed the unpardonable sin and crucified Jesus Christ. This is why Jesus cursed them: "Behold, your house [your land] is left unto you desolate." (Matt 23:38)

13:15--"Someone was making an issue Thursday night [10/29/20]. 'The Jews they're trying to take over the world.' What do I care? The Jews control Hollywood. So what? The Jews got Wall St. I don't care."

Knox is lying. I raised the issue he's referring to Thursday night as I told a man in a private conversation in Knox's church parking lot that I opposed Zionism. I never said anything about Jews controlling the world or Hollywood or Wall St and if Knox doesn't care, then why is he going on with this damage control three days after my conversation? And why was I labeled a Jew-hater, by Knox's Crypto-Jewish minister, David Andrew Brown, and ordered to never speak on this topic again within his church? The truth is, being a Jew, Knox can't allow Christians to suspect that the Jews do control the world and that they have a plan to kill Christians. (see the Noahide Laws).

15:27--"Jerry Falwell, a Baptist, linked arms with the Mormon church and the Catholic Church to start the Moral Majority to get American Christians involved with politics."

Knox won't inform his congregation that Jerry Falwell linked arms with Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin, and that Falwell was given a private jet by Israel to further their Zionist goals which is the real "politics" Falwell got American Christians involved with. (L)

22:05--"I heard someone say, the only reason people pretend to be Jews in Israel is so that they can get money. America gives everyone money. We give money to everybody."

Knox wants to downplay the vast amount of money the US gives to Israel. For instance, in 2012, Obama signed a pledge to give Israel more than 70 billion dollars, the news of which was largely suppressed by the US media. (L) The US gives far more money to Israel, than to the rest of the world combined and, in addition, every US state in the nation must also give to Israel. Holding fast to his Zionist agenda, James Knox is fanatical in his support for the counterfeit Israel that exists today in defiance of Jesus Christ.

23:15--"Here's what does bother me, there's some Jews in this county that have tripped over Christ and their souls aren't saved."

Knox is lying. He pressures his church members to stand on street corners recruiting Gentiles who will tithe. He would never have his congregation handing out gospel tracts at a local Synagogue or Chabad.

24:40--"Someone told me the other day these Jews run everything. Yeah, man, the NFL is just filled with Jews. Jew wide receivers and Jew running backs and Jew quarterbacks." (to his laughing and ignorant congregation)

Assuming someone did tell this to Knox, obviously they meant that Jews run things of importance like The Fed or Hollywood, but Knox ridicules this statement and reduces it to an absurdity. Knox's fallacy in argument is known as reductio ad absurdum and although no one does care who controls football, notice that Knox only mentions the NFL's Gentile players, and not the NFL's Jewish team owners, who do run the NFL.

Overwhelming evidence that James Knox's church members, Linda and Emma Strand are Jehovah's Witnesses.

This video (by Barbara Aho) is a critique of a Fundamental Baptist facilitator of the
interfaith agenda who promotes an unbiblical and spiritually dangerous
way to witness to Jehovah's Witnesses. God's Word gives an explicit
command for dealing with heretical cults which show up on your doorstep
bringing another gospel. The Baptist facilitator ridiculed the command
given by God in His Word and recommended Satan's alternative: dialoguing
to Consensus. 

Background on the Interfaith Lausanne Movement, by Barbara Aho

The International Lausanne Congress on World Evangelization was founded
by Billy Graham in 1974 as "an international movement that was formed
for the purpose of uniting Christian churches to evangelize the world."
Strategies were developed for reaching and evangelizing various people
groups, one people group being "Mystics and Cultists." In 1982, the
Lausanne Committee renamed "Evangelical Ministry to Cultists" to
"Evangelical Ministries to New Religions." The name change reflected a
new purpose for this ministry – from "evangelizing the cults" to
recognizing and legitimizing them as "new religions."

The new-found purpose for Evangelical Ministries to New Religions
required a new approach to evangelism: from "preaching the gospel" to
cultists to sponsoring "dialogues" with them as new religions. The
hidden agenda was to mainstream the cults and false religions. Among the
first cults to be mainstreamed was Mormonism. To overcome the obvious
doctrinal divide a strategy was developed to promote the notion of
"Mormons in Transition," with the vague implication that the Mormon
Church, and not only the Mormon Church but many of the false religions,
are changing for the better, especially through dialogue. This strategy
gave rise to the deceptive notion that the false religions were becoming
"more Christian".

Although the stated purpose of the Lausanne Congress was Christian
"evangelization" of the world before Jesus Christ returns, a far
different outcome has been observed. Through dialoguing with cults and
other religions, Christians were becoming more tolerant of people groups
and beliefs that diverged from the Word of God. Fellowship with
unbelievers replaced separation from the world and faithfulness to sound
doctrine. Lausanne did not result in Christian evangelization of the
world but the world compromising Christianity.

In 2012, "The first ever Lausanne Movement Consultation for North
American Younger Leaders brought together a diverse collection of change
agents, thought-practitioners, and younger leaders to strategize on
fresh approaches to sharing the Christian message." No longer would
Lausanne sponsor evangelists to preach the gospel, but "change agents,
thought-practitioners and younger leaders" to "strategize on fresh
approaches to sharing the Christian message." These change agents,
thought-practitioners and younger leaders, who are "from diverse
backgrounds ethnically, geographically, and culturally" and spiritually,
have been trained to transform Christian churches to unite to form a one
world religion.

Using the identical strategy, a Bible Baptist Church member is training
many change agents to compromise Christians through the video "What to
do when the Jehovah's Witnesses Come Knocking." Ultimately, the video is
advancing the Lausanne agenda for global church and social
transformation. And the transformation is nearing completion.

Linda Strand's original video on Periscope / video removed Evangelical Ministries to New Religions (Barbara Aho's website)